Turn off spell check for individual word docs mac
Turn off spell check for individual word docs mac

Widens the suggestions that make sense when sounded out but don’t quite match the spelling you are using, so you are more likely to see the word you want.

turn off spell check for individual word docs mac

Phonetic prediction now supports more letters too – so “sch” and “sh” can both work for “sheep”. Give you the power to find the right word faster and get on with your writing. Type H*T and see hat, hit, hot, hut – one letter matches *.

  • Also in prediction, new ways to get the right word you want: type H_E and see horse, hearse, hope – any number of letters match _.
  • This in-depth check is a perfect complement for a Spellcheck All, which takes you through every definitely-wrong word: pick the check that suits your time and need to get it right (notes versus dissertation submission). ClaroRead will just take you to the next word you need to check out – it’ll skip super-common words you almost certainly have right, like “I”, though, so it doesn’t take too long.
  • You can now check homophones or confusable words in your whole Word document without having to highlight and unhighlight them.
  • Great for spotting which homophone you need to choose so you can write knowing you are getting it right.
  • Word prediction now has pictures to help you identify which word you want.
  • In any case you can now read through your emails by pressing Play and simply sitting back as they are read aloud: comfortable and helpful.
  • You can now read Microsoft Outlook 2016 like you read Word: when you are composing an email you can read back with highlighting of your choice (word or sentence, background colours) and when reading an email you have received you get highlighting based on your system colours.
  • Blog Post: ClaroRead 9: Spellcheck and Prediction New Features
  • Dropped support for saving audio to iTunes (since it is not used).
  • Add support for Dragon Group speech recognition.
  • Improved Advanced Settings Editor start-up time.
  • Finally, also planned for this release are engineering improvements, and a change to how speaking on selection works.
  • Also updated are spelling and homophone checking with new updates from our Norwegian colleagues at Lingit, and we’ve restored the cool “homophone display” feature from ClaroRead 8 since we got a lot of feedback that people found it useful to be able to scan their text for potential errors rather than step through the contents.
  • turn off spell check for individual word docs mac

    We’ve written ClaroRead for English, French, Japanese, even Hebrew and Arabic – but never for Welsh! We’ve rectified that omission with a ClaroRead that works in Welsh, including spellcheck and word prediction and speech and scanning (OCR).Pick one that lets you concentrate on what you need to do! We’ve cleaned up the settings screens too to look more modern so you’ll recognise the icons and spend less time setting up. We all enjoy using applications and tools that look good, and we all have different tastes: ClaroRead 10 has a friendly, colourful interface for maximum usability, another stripped-down modern one like you’ll find on your phone, and a professional-styled one like Office. A fresh new toolbar with improved choices of icons.


    Published by Claro Software on 21st January 2019 21st January 2019

    Turn off spell check for individual word docs mac